
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday, hot and sunny, perfect weather!

Where are we today ?
New Hamburg Ontario
         My first project today was to service our coach batteries. After coffees and computing stuff I set to work removing the house batteries, cleaning the terminals and tray, then reintsall the whole works. I do this about least two/three times a year to keep our solar system  and batteries in good shape.
batteries all good to go
         While I was doing this, (and waxing more of our coach)  Suzie went to her Mom's and worked on her gardens for a bit.

         Now back home we can relax for a bit in the shade with our books. Soon time to fire up our BBQ.

Dennis is baling  hay
Omer is relaxing with Suzie
Supper is good, prime rib steak, baked potato, mushrooms, onions and peas
After supper we are relaxin
In the field Dennis is baling hay! 
round bales too
        Now we had our own early supper and then they can eat whenever suits them when the work is done. We just had another great almost summer day at the farm.

         Glad you could drop by and join us!

        Also we would like to welcome a new follower Jana, to our group. But she did not leave a link to her Blog so we can check her out. 
Check out the map below to see where we have been this summer
View Summer 2012 in a larger map


  1. Are you getting hitch itch and thinking about heading off in another summer outing? I bet those solar panels don't get much use while you are in Canada during the summer. Keeping everything up and running is no easy task.

  2. Those photos of the wagons and hay fields are awesome. Almost as good as your picture of that prime rib steak dinner!

  3. Good reminder to everyone re battery upkeep. We do it all the time.

    1. If you take care of your batteries they will take care of you!


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