Sat. Feb. 13th
Carnaval 2010!
Another bright sunny day with a breeze. A walkabout, for a bit and over to Benji's for a fantastic breakfast for lunch. Then we relaxed with a book in the afternoon. At 5:00 there was another large happy hour at Roger and Susie's site where he and Bob BBQ'd hamburgs and hotdogs and a lot of potluck finger food was supplied. With so many people leaving this next week (including us) it was a nice way for everybody to say goodbye. At 7:30 pm 27 of us walked over to RV#1 and boarded a trailer taxi pulled by a tractor to the dock where got a small boat across the harbour to a Catamaran Puesta De Sol 11 for the fireworks , a Naval Battle re-enactment of 1864. We sat on the upper level and had a bilingual tour guide, music, free open bar and food. Once seated they opened a second bar right beside us so we got the right seats. A cruise around the harbour for an hour then out to sea with a lot of other tour boats. We set up off shore by Olas Atlas as the fireworks began at 11.00pm. The non stop, ship to shore fireworks lasted a full 30 minutes. Really awesome to watch from the water. We then we headed back to port and were dropped off at Stone Island and our trailer taxi ride back to camp arriving at about 12.15am. The weather was great and everyone had a fantastic time. Back at camp Colin and Contessa had company from Hermosillo (the most famous guitarist in Mexico) so we stopped by to listen to some great Spanish tunes for a while, then home to bed.
Fri. Feb. 12th
No much on the agenda today, fresh veggies off the truck, walk the beach, putter about, chat with neighbours and read for a bit on the beach. The waves on the beach video My back has been a bit stiff so I arranged a massage at 3:15pm with Mary for 1 -1/2 hours and felt fantastic when she was done, loose and limber and full of energy. Check out her great website. She is from the United States and is building a house here on Stone Island. Back at the park happy hour was under way, with a bunch saying goodbye to Joseph and Susan (she was showing off here nails!). Just a good time with some dancing in the street. Some people with Star Choice satellite dishes were watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. For supper tonight we enjoyed bbq'd pork chops, rice and broccoli and a bit of a movie.
Thurs. Feb. 11th
Marty Edwards (Kinda Kenny) Today we putter around a bit, overcast and supposed to rain again today, but did not happen. Around 11:00 am we strolled down the beach to Carmelitas to check out the Cribbage Tournament from our park that was happening there. A good turn out and looks like lotsa fun. As we were walking we stopped and chatted for a while with Marty Edwards (Kenny Rogers Impersonator) whose great show we had seen Jan. 30th at Heather's Place. He is being held over for another week, this weekend being his last show here, then off to Phoenix and Vegas. suzie searching After lunch we took a drive down the deserted beach quite a few miles in search of sand dollars and shells. Not much luck but a nice drive nonetheless, a few atv's, horseback riders and a local fisherman pulling in his nets. Back home we read for a bit, chatted with some neighbours, happy hour and I made a real tasty garlic shrimp pasta for supper, then a movie.
Wed. Feb. 10th
Well today we need some cash and no bank machine here on the Island. So we make a trip to Mazatlan, water taxi and a pulmonia to Centro Market. We check out the market and pick up a few items and stop by a bank machine for more pesos. A bunch of people off the cruise ship were looking at their maps and were trying find the old town square. We were heading that way so they tagged along and we chatted with these 6 Canadians from British Columbia. Here we checked out a few shops then had a light lunch at one of the sidewalk cafe's. Nice to sit here and watch the people and traffic leisurely moving about. After lunch we were heading back to the market area and spotted a couple looking at a map. They were trying to find their way to Centro Market so again they tagged along and we chatted, these people were off a cruise ship as well but from Oshawa Ontario, small world. After a bit more shopping we headed back to Stone Island to relax a bit and read. Then a happy hour with some neighbours joined by Colin, his guitar and their wiener dogs playing at our feet. After this we BBQ'd hamburgers and home made fries for supper, and read for the rest of the evening. It was supposed to be a rainy day but once again it did not happen, just a bit overcast and cooler. (75f, 25c) Not that we're complaining.
Also in these pictures is a few of an Iguana that has taken up residency in our park, thanks to Ed for sharing these.
Tues. Feb. 9th
Most of the day was overcast but still warm with some sunny periods. We puttered around most of the day and chatted with a few people here and there. On a walkabout I spotted a large gecko (20 inches) scurrying about trying to hide from me, these are interesting looking creatures kinda like ancient dinosaurs of some type. A bit of puttering about with our coach and some reading, then we joined a few neighbours in happy hour, discussed travels and a few of us decided Carmelita's for supper was a good idea. So a stroll down the beach for some delicious Mexican food at very reasonable prices, then home for a movie.
Mon. Feb 8th
On the road onto Stone Island is the remainder of a once (not so long ago) beautiful estate. Cobblestone drive and gardens overgrown, windows, doors and gates left open. It looks like somebody just walked away from it. A dream someone had and now it lies empty. An answer I guess we will never know. We did not go anywhere today so I pondered that thought for while. As we relaxed, walked about, chatted with neighbours, (Contessa showed me a real easy, quick way to clean shrimp). Wayne fishing Suzie in the surf A stroll down the beach(Wayne fishing in the surf) we found 2 sand dollars and sea shells in the wet sand. Back home we read for a while in the shade with clouds in the sky and a promise of rain that never happened. sand dollars & shells
Then happy hour for a while and BBQ'd smoked porkchops, boiled potatoes with broccoli and cheese sauce for supper, then a movie. Life is good.
Super Bowl Sunday, Feb 7th
31-17 New Orleans over Indianapolis Well I am not a sports fan but its not hard to get involved in the hype with a campground in Mexico full of American and Canadian football fans. We started with a lunch for the 2 of us at Victors on the beach feasting on their sample platter of 4 coconut shrimp, 4 breaded shrimp, 4 garlic shrimp, 4 BBQ'd ribs, large fish filet, french fries, onion rings, rice, pineapple, orange, celery carrots and chips and salsa. Then try to walk it off afterwards on the beach. Back at the park Roy and Susie set up their site with a food tent, and 3 television sets hooked up to their Star Choice satellite dish for the Super Bowl game outside. At 4 pm the game began and people arrived with chairs, food (pot luck), beverages and smiles. This was a fun time for my first football game. Exciting, fast moving, great commercials, awesome food, good company and another reason for a party (any reason will do here). A football pool was setup, by Bob and there was 500 peso (about $40.) winners for each of the first 3 quarters and 1000 ($80)pesos for the final winner. The weather was great as usual and a good time was had by all. Thanks to everybody that participated and brought so much great food, including Bob and Marg for the many maragritas, and Bob and Bonnie with fresh fried tempura battered prawns and dorado (fish). That was fun maybe I just might become a sports fan yet. Whadda ya think, do I look like one????
Sat. Feb 6th

Another nice sunrise today and a day trip planned. About 9.45 am we set off down the dirt road out to the highway. Passing a few simple Mexican houses and some cattle blocking the roadway we got to Mex.15. Heading west and north bypassing most of Mazatlan we took Mex 15 Libre about another 30 kms to the turn off towards La Noria and Hacienda las Moras (the Ranch) , an old agave ranch and tequila distillery. Left on a dirt road for 3 kms we arrived at the hotel and restaurant about 11:30am. This place was tranquil with beautiful scenery, colourful buildings, animals roaming and nobody around. We walked across the patio and into the restaurant, to find that they were open. We settled down with a refreshment, chips and salsa and a very tasty lunch of Mextica chicken for myself and shrimp fettucini alfredo for Suzie. Afterwards we wandered past the beautiful pool, then the property, with goats, peacocks, chicken, turkeys, horses and geese roaming the grounds. Leaving the ranch we returned to the paved road and turned left about 10 kms to Vinata Los Osuna (a tequila Factory) run by the Osuna Family since 1876. Now this is 100% Blue Agave, it cannot be labeled Tequila because "Mexican laws state that tequila can be produced only in the state of Jalisco and limited regions in the states of Guanajuato, Michoacán, Nayarit, and Tamaulipas. " We parked our car and were given a tour of the facility showing us all of the original equipment and the slightly newer machinery now in use, the process explained to us from the harvesting of the Blue Agave "pineapple" at 7-12 years old and weighing 75-200 lbs each. then processed, distilled and aged in oak barrels then bottled. After the tour we could sample all we wished for 25 pesos ($2.00) per person. Then we purchased a bottle of their finest (so smooth) that won a Double Gold Metal in 2009 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. About 2:00 pm we headed back to camp arriving home about 3:30, and joined a few neighbours in happy hour, with some snacks, then home to relax with a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich for supper then watch a movie before bedtime.
Fri. Feb. 5th
Another day in paradise. We did a few walkabouts and chat with a few neighbours, putter around with a bit of maintenance on our coach. The beach was fairly quiet this afternoon, a slight tropical breeze, making ripples in the sugar fine white sand, relaxing and reading. Happy hour, then supper of left over Mexican Lasagna, a salad, and a movie.
Thurs. Feb. 4th
Another sunny warm day, with an interesting sunrise and we are going to town to stock up on a few groceries. Water taxi,(they increased the far from 5 to 6 pesos, 40 to 49 cents) and pulmonia to Mega store. We checked out the extensive bakery section and managed to find everything on our shopping list. I enjoy the challenge of trying to translate the products, many of them the same items that we buy back home just a different language. Then we made our way back to the Island and had lunch. Afternoon a walk on the beach crowded with passengers from the 2 cruise ships in town. The crowds are only here 3 days a week from about 10 am until 3:30pm then quiet again. After happy hour with a few new campers we enjoyed supper of a rotisserie chicken, (with Swiss Chalet sauce from home) mashed potatoes, veggies and a movie.
Wed.Feb. 3rd A very heavy rain last night, washed away the dust and created huge puddles of water. But this morning the sun came up drying this up slowly and by afternoon we were back on the beach again. Three young fishermen walked past us on the beach with a wheelbarrow. They stopped just down from us and 2 of them walked into the surf stretching out a fishing net about 200 feet long. One grabbing each end, they pulled it back to shore netting about a dozen nice sized fish, all in less than 10 minutes. They gathered up the net and went down the beach a bit further to try their luck again. These will probably be sold or supply a family supper. A little later a female horse and her colt came trotting along the beach heading home for supper all by themselves, a beautiful site. This signaled us to go home as well for our supper of Mexcian Lasagna made with corn tortillias, salsa, meat, veggies and cheese with a tossed salad on the side. Followed by a movie.
Tues. Feb. 2nd
Today overcast skies and supposed to rain. Our neighbours behind us George and Gail choose to leave a couple of days early just to get out the 10 mile dirt road to the hiway before the storm. This road would be almost impassable due to the water and mud for a few days. With them leaving it opened their site giving us a better view of the ocean for a few days. Most of the day was overcast and cooler 75f (24c) with a refreshing wind. A shrimp boat was anchored not far off the beach all day probably due to the rough seas with huge waves. This is a good day to putter about and do some interior spring cleaning. Wall washing etc.... Shortly after 5.00pm near the end of happy hour the rain began, coming down quite heavy most of the night. This created large muddy puddles and washed away the dust. Supper tonight was the rest of our BBQ'd chicken and some fried spanish rice with veggies, then a movie.
Mon. Feb. 1st
A beautiful day today and we are off on a day trip. We begin with the long drive out the dirt road to the highway. And as soon as we get to the pavement the road is taken over by cattle, just lazily wandering down the road. (that's one good reason not to drive at night). A short way away was Villa Union which we explored a bit noticing all the open air shops and markets. We found the town square and cathedral ( a few hundred years old) and walked about a bit enjoying the sights and sounds. After fueling up at the Pemex we took Mex 40 (libre) in to the mountains with our 1st stop at the small village of Malpica. Driving the cobblestone streets, past colourful buildings and the town square we found a bakery. We entered this thru the living room of the owner then into the back room with a huge wood fired oven and racks of fresh baked pastries. Of course we had to purchase a few (still warm) items to sample, and chatted with 3 couples from Alberta. Our next stop was Concordia with a Cathedral here over 350 years old at the edge of the town square. Lots of vendors here on the side streets and more colorful buildings. Back to Mex 40 we traveled the scenic winding route up into the mountains to a smaller village of Copala. Cobblestone streets that were very narrow thru the hills here. Down the main street we stopped at Chalva's restaurant for lunch with a yummy salad with beef, potatoes, tortillas,and sour cream for me and 3 beef tacos for Suzie, nacos and salsa and 4 Corona for 155 pesos ($12.73). We chatted with the owner David for a while giving us a ton of local interesting information. Back to the car we were bombarded by bunch of young boys selling their wood carvings for 10 pesos (80 cents). Well we did buy one then, down to the town square and cathedral (over 350 years old). Back down the mountain heading home we stopped near Concordia at a couple of small furniture factories to check out their impressive looking Spanish style furniture. Heading down our long road to Stone Island we saw Larry and Marylin stopped on the shoulder, so we checked to see if all ok. They were just rearranging their groceries in the back seat. And offered us a beer. Now back home to relax a bit and we find out our neighbour's George and Gail are having their final margarita monday (with his gas powered blender) before heading north. So an impromptu happy hour brought out lots of snacks appetizers, and refreshments. As people socialized and said goodbye to a few that are leaving in the next day or two. Then back home to relax with a movie.
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