
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Monday, September 03, 2012

Resolved some computer issues, and had a great Labor Day

Where are we today ?
New Hamburg Ontario
         Up early this morning as usual and gonna attack a computer issue I have being trying to figure out. A while back I had my Mac book pro upgraded to Mountain Lion operating system 10.7 with a larger hard drive and lotsa ram. But now it tells me that when I use Boot camp that I cannot install windows XP. Need Windows 7. Hmmm. Don't wanna buy windows 7 just to run Microsoft Streets and trips on my Mac. So research (nope cannot install windows XP on Mountain Lion) Gotta sleep on it. I worked on the problem this morning. I was able to partition my hard drive, set it up for for DOS , inserted my XP disk and voila Windows XP was installed. Then set up Microsoft Streets and Trips and now that was installed as well! Now I am a happy camper. I just knew there was a way!
         Now thats enough computer stuff, time to have fun. Called Lea and John in Plattsville and dropped off some extra hot pepperettes for her, picked them up at the Pinery Flea Market in Grand Bend last week. Gonna take Omer for a drive in the car with us to visit too.
         Now got to their house and lotsa dogs as usual, Omer not sure what to make of all these dogs!
welcoming committee!
         But Diamond is in the pool, swimming about and Omer is not too sure what that is all about, never did get him in the pool but he sure had a lotta sniffing going on.
now another tiny dog showed up,what do we do with that?
        Nuf visiting now, back to the farm, get supper ready cause my Ma is coming to visit. 
Omer very relaxed now
         Now that Ma came out for a nice visit while supper cooked in our coach. Doing meatloaf , boiled potatoes and mixed  veggies, and a bit of gravy on the side.
 Ma and Suzie
        Whipped up a nice meatloaf, boiled a few taters, nuked some mixed veggies, a bit of brown gravy mix and there ya go had a very nice tasty supper.  We happy and full, ma had a nice vist and all is good.
lotsa meatloaf
        Enough for Dennis and Sandy to have supper, left overs for Ma and meatloaf sandwiches for lunch tomorrow, yep we doing good.
tasty supper
        Just another great summer day at the farm, hot weather, nice breeze, cool shade trees, read for a bit, a visit from ma and a tasty home cooked meal.
        Thanks for stopping by and hope your Labor day Monday was as good as ours.

Check out the map below to see where we have been this summer
View Summer 2012 in a larger map


  1. It looks like you had more social time today than we did but we are now ready to head to London in the morning. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. Had a great Labor Day, looks like you did too!

  3. My only connection to a Mac is with the iPhone and iPad and those I like. That swimming pool sure looks inviting.

  4. I have to hand it to you Mac guys, you all swear by Apple and hate Windows then most guys I know go and try to install Windows on their Macs! What gives with that?

    I've got no problem with that meatloaf though - it looks terrific! I love meatloaf.

    1. I don't hate Windows, I just prefer my Mac. I installed windows because I could and I need it to run one program, Microsoft Streets and Trips that we use to plan our travels. Suzie has a data base for S @ T with over 700 of our membership parks on it. She is the navigator and uses S@T on her pc with GPS to guide me along.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, I figured that there had to be a way to do it, kinda fun!

  6. Sounds like you got it, have you ever tried VmWare Player, it's free and I believe also works on MAC. It would allow you to run Virtual Machines without all the trouble of partitioning, much easier to implement and very stable. Then you can load what ever OS you need or programs you need.

    1. Thanks for the tip but all is working now. It is not free for a Mac, but very reasonable. Next time.


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