
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Relaxing Sunday wrap up our last day here with another mostly warm summer day.

Where are we today ? 
 clic a pic to enlarge it
     Did it again I slept in 6:30 this morning! 55F  at that time. This cooler weather seems to be making for a very good night's sleep. So got some coffees and computing taken care of and enjoyed a nice walkabout that was shortened when the rains began. only a 1/2 mile done then headed home. Our Good friends Kim and Ken dropped by to say see ya later and they pulled out this morning heading back home. I am sure we will meet up again on down the road this winter. Puttered around for bit had an early lunch. The rains stopped and sun came back out. Then with laundry sorted I headed into town to let the machines do their magic.  Of course I can enjoy my reading in the car so peaceful here and now enjoying some sunshine.
      Back home by noon, while I was gone Suzie had cleaned our home, washed the floors while I was out of her hair, perfect timing. Then she put the folded laundry away and I set about to store our Weber Q, defrost our fridge, fill our fresh water tank, check our tire pressures and oil before we head out in the morning, almost done and Paul dropped by for Happy Hour. I wrapped the rest of it while he chatted with Suzie. Then I could join them for a bit.
      When he headed home we enjoyed our page turners for a while then  whipped up a tasty salad for supper tonight.
our views most of the day a comfortable 76F
and sunshine off and on
        About 5 pm time to whip up supper, tonight light and tasty, our usual salad topped with some leftover Turkey breast and the rest to the Tomato , onion Cucumber salad from last night . This sure hit the spot tonight and more than enough for us.
tonight's supper sure hit the spot
         We ready to move on down the road again after 2 weeks in one place. Back to Plattsville and get the brakes serviced on our coach, oil change etc... getting ready to soon head south for the winter months.
       Glad that y'all dropped on by always nice to hear from you if you care to say Hi..
Want to learn more about Membership camping at Rock Glen Family Resort ?
 click this link to book a tour
 Where have we been this Summer ?


  1. Safe travels tomorrow as you get the ready for your winter adventures.

    1. Thank you Jeff we are getting anxious and ready to roll.

  2. Taking care of business is a good thing for heading out for the winter. I think it might be cooling down here finally.

    1. Yes JO we are taking care of business, Glad it is cooling down there a bit for you finally.

  3. Do you have to move every few weeks or are you just moving because you have things to do? I know you like moving around but just wondering if you could stay if you wanted to.

    1. With the plan we have at this park we 2-3 weeks here then we need to be out for a week, pay nothing while here, we could stay here for the season for a price about $2500. plus electric or other options as well. This works perfect for us, we don't like to sit in one play very long as you know, we tried our first couple years down south and found it was not for us, we both get restless.

    2. I think your way is much better than paying $2,500 plus :-) And you get to get a change of scenery.

    3. We do too, Driving around the country side, the scenery as the crops and seasons change.

  4. It's nice you have places to wander around while keeping the cost down. Sort of cooler weather here, so it should be perfect by the time you hit Arizona.

    1. It sure is , the lifestyle we love.
      The weather is usually wonderful by the time we get there.

  5. Cooler mornings make me sleep in too :) I understand the "hitch itch" Ken really can't stay in one place for too long either. He has to keep himself busy just like you! Nice to get things done and ready for your trip south!

    1. We both get the hitch itch so works great for us. Getting things taken care of before we hit the road yeah !

  6. 30 long days left till you head South. Hope you can wait that long! ;c)

    1. We will wait impatiently, have a few things yet to keep us busy.

  7. You can just put your coach on autopilot and be assured it will get you where you're going today.
    All the little things to get reday for the southwest take time but are all necessary. Nice to cross things off the list. We have few things yet to clear up.
    Looks like a great day you had. It turned out really nice.

    1. LOL , not so much auto pilot we took a different route here today.
      Lots of little things to take care of, one day at a time getting things done.
      It was a wonderful day and the weather wonderful too.

  8. Sometimes the planning for the trip is just as rewarding as when you finally reach your destination. I can not believe your trip south is so near.

    1. We don't plan much only a few things the just wing it the rest of the way. Works for us perfectly .
      We have that itch and want to get back on the road again soon...


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