Where are we today ?
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More rain again last night and this morning for a while. So no early morning walkabout in the rain. But we had a plan our last day here, was to laundry.
love this site but has not dried out in 3 weeks |
So Suzie sorted the laundry all including our sheets. I went to the laundry in to to get that done. only 2 machines here in the park and we needed more. Into town to get that done and let the machines do their magic. I can read in the car and when I thought it should be done I checked and hmm. The power was out for 20 minutes so it was delayed. Finally back home shortly after noon for a late lunch.
Next was on our list was to see if we could get our coach off this site. Too much rain and our rear tires were in deep mud. Talked to the friendly maintenance guys here John and Mark. They agreed to bring over some boards for us to pull out on.
with this mud I know from experience that we will be stuck |
I put more blocks under our jacks and raised the coach enough to put these boards under our rear tires.
this should do the trick and it did |
I pulled the coach out no problem now, Suzie taking our blocks out from under the jacks and we moved to another much drier site. We are leaving tomorrow morning. Nice to get this done today and now Suzie can have a good nights sleep. She has been worried about this for a while now.
digging our levelling blocks out of the mud |
John and Mark put these boards down and I drove right out thanks so much guys |
Only moved a few hundred feet to a much drier site, for the night, No more mud. We do like our site but with 3 weeks of rain it did not dry up like it usually does. And we have used this site fo 13 years now and never been this wet.
we were there beside the white trailer |
at least we are out of the mud a nice site |
We moved stuff over and got all set up, does not take long. Paul stopped by and helped us drag a few things over, he went for walk and came back to join us for Happy Hour.
chatted with Paul for a while then soon time for us to whip up supper |
here we are |
When I went to town today I picked up a couple of these breaded pork cutlets for supper tonight . We do enjoy these and usually make our own, But for a good price a quick easy tasty meal. I call it pork schnitzel.
Quickly fried in our pan with onions and mushrooms.
fried up nicely quick and easy |
added some mozzarella cheese to melt over it |
Then some Salsa to top it off and go with out salad.
this was very tasty and so tender |
Dishes done now back outside on our patio, to enjoy more of this wonderful weather. Still 65 F (18C) at 7:45pm . Sure is not hard to take at all we are liking this much nicer weather. No rain yet but should be overnight, maybe.
Heading out in the morning for some more family fun for a few days.
Want to thank y'all for dropping on by and hope you enjoyed a nice spring day again as well.
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