
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Sunday, July 05, 2015

What a wonderful peaceful day we had!

Where are we today ?
      Today we gonna have a personal day all to ourselves, Just the 2 of us alone! No where to go and nobody to see. Wow this is wonderful! Just a quiet day, a few walkabouts, chat with some people here and there for a couple minutes, did not even need to get in the car! (Thats rare). 
      Enjoyed this amazing warm weather close to 80 f (27c) clear skies all is good. Read for a bit,  putter for a bit, fired up our generator for a while and ran both a/c's just to make sure all is good and exercise these units for a while. Don't need our air conditioners when it is only in the low 80's outside but they have not been run since last summer. 
      The weekenders are all leaving, so now nice and quiet, what's not to love about that ?
the view from our patio. 
clear blue skies, awesome!
             Shortly after 4 0'clock fired up our Weber Q, whipped up a salad  and put  chicken on the grill for about 80 minutes. Internal temp 185f = perfect ! Moist, inside, crispy on the outside, no turning required.
love our chicken
sure hit the spot and lotsa leftovers too
       Then  a bit later a treat for us. Fresh local strawberries, tiny angel food cake with whipped cream. 
love these fresh strawberries!
         Now what a wonderful relaxing day we had, Suzie and I enjoying the good life.
         One more time want to thank y'all for stopping in for a visit, Hope you had  a great day too!
Check out the interactive map below to see where we have been this Spring and Summer.


  1. Crikey ...... just the two of you and that CHOOK!!!! OMD ..... I sure would have liked to sink my teeth into that. I love chook more than anything in the world. Well ...... except for icecream of course!!!

    1. Hey Charlie thanks for the new word. Yep we love Chook too, probably even more than ice cream.
      And we even had enough for you too!.

  2. Those pictures of food made me hungry and I just had a big bowl of ice-cream. It has been a cool summer so far down here in my part of Texas (30 miles north of Houston). The highs have only been 84 and 85 but it is suppose to warm up to normal soon. But the humidity is always high in this area, being close to the Gulf. I wanted to start my diesel generator in the MotorHome, but it wouldn't turn over fast enough to start. I got some dead batteries that need replaced.

    1. "Cool summer huh???" 84F would make me want to run jump into the pond.

    2. We have been in that area north of Houston quite a few times (Willis) but in the winter, not hotr then. Love the hot weather when we can find it. Time to go shopping.

  3. what would describe this island best. I love peace. I even did when I was much younger.

  4. Yes it is wonderful to have just a day to yourselves once in awhile. Feels so decadent and restful..

  5. Wow, a personal day! Who'd you have to pay off to get it? ;c)

    1. Haha, we just decided to take it and again today another one, sure do love them !


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