
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Monday, February 25, 2013

Wow is it windy!

Where are we today ?
Rockport Texas
        Well got up early this morning (as usual). Nice and warm about 70 just waiting for the sun to come up. After a bunch of computing and coffees it did come up, but couldn't see it. Was hiding behind a bunch of black clouds. Not raining and not windy so after a walkabout, hopped on my bike to pedal around.  But then... skies got real dark and the wind picked, not just a little but a whole bunch. Blowing stuff all over the place. Our coach is a rocking and a rolling and its not us doing it either. Checked the forecast and says winds ("hunnert mile and hour" as Billy Bob would say) actually 25-30 mph with gusts up to 50mph. Dust is flying, trees are leaning, garbage blowin' about, sure glad we are not travelling with our coach today. But at least the sun is shinning and its warm out.
        So here its only 10 am, but gotta take Suzie for a chiropractor adjustment down the road  "By the Bay Chiropractic" to see Dr. Eliza "Beth" Thomas. Well Suzie got herself all fixed up and while there I thought may as well get adjusted too. Reasonable rates only $25.00 each so now we are both brand new!
        Back home for lunch, put on the feed bag, then I tied my hat on and headed back downtown in the wind for a few needed supplies. The important stuff beer, wine, oh and a bit of food too.  On the way back downtown the wind is blowing like crazy, just look at the plam trees below.
my hat is tied one
palm trees blowin' in the wind
        Just had to stop by the beach to take a picture of this huge blue crab statue below, too windy here to even get outta the car.

        After shopping stopped at a light an noticed the emblem on the back of of this Ford F-150 pickup truck. Check it out "Texas Edition" not so sure what is special about it but here is a cool video  if you care to click on the link here.
         Now after this shopping excursion got home and noticed our Satellite dish had blown  over. Not good! First time ever in about 4 years that we have had this dish! Luckily we are in a sandy soil so no damage done to the LNB (head). I set it back up secured with three more 18 inch  spikes (7 total now) and all seems to working well now.
         The fierce wind can come on down now we have it taken care of.
our dish is now "VERY" secure
          Then put our Weber on the ground, dropped down the tables, laid the bike down so all will be good for tonight. Needless to say no grilling tonight on our Weber  just way to windy.
          By the time this was done so was most of the afternoon.
almost have waves in the pool
across the pond trees gonna blow away
          So alternative supper for tonight has just been waiting for this kinda weather. A dish that we both love. Liver and Onions. Its the kinda meal either you love or hate, no in between. Something I found out with my restaurant. Simple quick and easy. Saute the onions, quickly fry up the liver add a bit of gravy to some garlic mashed potatoes and a few peas we have ourselves a meal we have been craving for quite a while. Throw in a tomato slice for a bit of color and all is good.
good for us
        So there that was our windy monday, but hey shorts, t shirts sandals, windows open, just too windy to do too much outside. Like bike riding and walking on the beach etc....
        Thanks again for stopping by, checking us out and hope you had a wonderful day too.
Check out the map below to see where we have been this winter
View Winter 2012-1013 in a larger map


  1. WOW...those palm trees are awesome. I often wonder how they stand there in all that wind....they are such skinny trees! Well, at least it is warm.

    Oh yes, I grew up on smothered liver and onions. Joe doesn't care for it so it has been years since I have it....sure looked good!

    Glad no damage was done to the satellite dish.

    1. Was a pretty good day after all, can't have perfect weather everyday.

  2. windy as heck in College Station too...

    1. Hang on to your stuff there, back home you will be busy.

  3. By the looks of the palm trees it's a good thing you tied your hat down are it may of beat you back to Ontario! Glad no damage to your dish, sounds like you have it pretty well anchored now. Liver and Onions not so sure, but if you were the chef, maybe I would give it a try. Have a great Tuesday!

    1. The liver has to be cooked and served just right, or not so good. Like shrimp and scallops if its overcooked tough and tasteless.

  4. Wow... A bit of wind going on there for sure!

  5. Hmmm, we have blue sky here in Mazatlan but lots of wind. Staying more inside today.

  6. We've had some wind around here but nothing like you have had. There sure seems to be more wind everywhere this year .... we don't like it one bit.

    1. Don't much care for it either, but still better than the cold and snow.


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