
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

Relax a bit today, kinda like the calm before the storm.

Where are we today ?
Lazy Lakes Resort Lockport New York
         After later night than normal Thursday we had a good sleep and actually slept in until 6 am! Nice and cool for sleeping and lotsa sunshine to day. Got a few walkabouts the park, so quiet at this time of day, love it.
         We did some renovating of our travel route and a couple of places we would like to stop along the way, again that all depends on weather. The forecasts look pretty good so far, but that can change at any given moment as we all well know.
         Picked up a couple more things at the store, more walkabouts and all is well, a very nice relaxing day.
        Then a made a tasty pot of chicken noodle soup from the broth I made last night from our BBQ'd chicken on the Q. Couple hearty bowls for lunch and couple more for another time. Love homemade soups!
my chicken noodle soup
            Lotsa people decorating their sites for the Halloween weekend. These 2 sites are right across from us, will check more out tomorrow.
         A bit chilly for sitting outside this afternoon for very long, but we did find a sunny spot with no wind for a while enjoying our e-readers. 
         Before we know it almost 5 pm time for supper. So fired up our Weber Q to grill a couple Mahi-Mahi Burgers I found here at Top's grocery store. Love these burgers!
no additives and only 100 calories
Buns only 100 calories too,
A low fat healthy meal
         This is our Weber Q 100. No temperature gauge, I have never used one. Just preheat the grill 15 minutes on high turn to low, oil the meat not the grill and close the lid. No flareups, even heat perfect grilling.
this our Weber Q almost 6 years
old and still works like new!
        That was our very tasty supper, filled us up and we feel awesome, as usual.
         What a wonderful day we had just taking it easy, rest up for tomorrow. A few friends showed up after supper so may be a late night or not, but tomorrow will be a busy day.  Lots of activities and Trick or Treating going on, socializing etc looking forward to it for a day.
          Thanks for stopping in for a visit, hope y'all had a great day too!
Check out the interactive map below to see where we have been this Fall and Winter..


  1. Sure is starting to look like fall in your part of the world!

    1. Yes Kevin it sure is fall, we gonna run away from that soon.

  2. I love looking at Halloween decorations. People are so creative.

    1. So much going on here this weekend is a lot of fun!

  3. Like you said the weather can change rather quickly when you're traveling. Hurricane Patricia should be making landfall in Mexico about now and then will carry a lot of moisture northwards.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. We just don't want that white icy stuff on the road.
      We just play by ear, no matter what it will all be good.

  4. We tweak our route pretty often too. Can't believe the folks who have gone all out for Halloween decorations! They really did. We just don't have room to carry all that stuff or really want to set it up when we're only in a place for a short time.

    1. That is the beauty of this lifestyle we just go with the flow.
      Most of the people that come here are not fulltime like us they have house to go home to.
      But we can enjoy their efforts.

  5. Replies
    1. The Weber Q100 is propane and we love it.
      Charcoal can be better but even more work and ends up more expensive in the long run.

  6. Tasty looking food. Your scenery looks much like ours in the UK at the moment. Very autumnal and slightly damp on the ground. We're having a warm Autumn so far. Very pleasant.

    1. We have had very cold for a few days, but not too bad right now.

  7. We just keep an eye on the weather should be just fine.
    They are excellent burgers.

  8. The trees are looking very good and that is a nice looking park.

    1. This is a very nice membership park, alway very busy.

  9. we like the Trident products, haven't tried the Mahi Mahi Burgers yet. Sure is a nice park.

    1. The Trident products are very tasty, love these burgers.


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