
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Got more nothing done and enjoyed this great weather !

Where are we today ? 
        Today we did NOTHING kinda like yesterday. Worked at it all yesterday and got nothing done, so worked at again today and got more NOTHING done, almost.
        Did a few walkabouts, chat with a few people, and we did do a lot more purging of stuff from our coach. Not too exciting, but things that needed to be done. Oh yeah, we also  worked on our itinerary for where we would like to go this summer, visting around Ontario. Always busy here for the summer. Walked by the beautiful lilac bush and just had to bring a few clippings home, love the smell!
our coach smells so outdoorsy
          Then mid afternoon grabbed our books to read outside, still hot and humid here about 88f with humidity feels like 95f (35c) but a nice breeze. Overcast skies came around and just a few sprinkles of rain. But all was wonderful.
dark clouds rolling in
        Then my favorite time of the day, time to prep supper. Gonna cook up some spinach, basil and garlic fettucine, pork ribs with sauerkraut, on the Weber Q, carrots, red pepper and zucchini.
excellent fetticine we picked up in Texas
ribs in foil and sauerkraut for bout 45 minutes
then put the veggies on the grill and glazed the ribs,
about 15 minutes, excellent.
really hit the spot
        So that was our day, it was wonderful , hope you had a good one too! 
        Thanks for stopping by, and don't be afraid to make a comment.
 Posted by George, a.k.a. "The Weber "Q" Man of Blogland" according to Rick Doyle.
Check out the map below to see where we have been this summer
View Summer 2013 in a larger map


  1. oh that looks so good! what do you glaze the ribs with??

    1. A BBQ sauce (garlic for us) a bit of soya sauce, worcestershire sauce and lotsa brown sugar (makes them sticky) careful not to burn thou.

  2. The resort looks just beautiful this time of year. If I remember they are an ROD park? Got to stay there for sure next year when we visit Ontario. Now, I am going to have to try the ribs over this weekend on the Q. Dinner looked Awesome. Got my zucchini, mushrooms, ready to go as soon as the chicken is done. It was about 85 here, and humid also. Have a great evening!

    1. Yes Allen is ROD, one more in Ontario in Leamington but this is the nicest, also a plus park can stay 2-3 weeks if you like, great area small towns close to the lakes. Let us know so that we can be here.
      Excellent weather for you too.
      Enjoy your chicken and veggies!

  3. My mom used to have a lilac bush in her yard. I love the smell too!
    Isn't it nice to get rid of stuff in the coach. The other day I went through my closet and drawers and filled two bags of clothing that either fit poorly, had stains or just looked old and shabby. Donated them to a drive through Goodwill Store.

  4. Well, you've given me another great dinner to try on our Weber Q, George! Those ribs looked delicious.

    That sure was one big black cloud moving overhead. I had a day much like yours - NOTHING!

    1. Everything is good on the Q as you are finding out.
      NOTHING is good too.

  5. Can do just about anything on the Q.
    The perfect grill.

  6. How can doing nothing feel so good?

  7. I love nothing days! That was some dark cloud overhead....way surprised it didn't pour!

    1. We got lucky just a light raun for a few minutes.

  8. Love,love the lilac bushes. The problem with having them here is that the deer like them too.

    1. The deer have to eat too, not to many around here.


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