
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St' Patrick's Day, hot weather, cloudy and a storm warning, we have it all here.

Where are we today ?
clic a pic to enlarge it
     Just another great day here in Texas to start with. Another very nice warm night and great sleep.
     So nice to get out for an early walkabout at 7:30 and the sun was rising being out in shorts. This being St. Patricks day I was going to wear something green. But no luck, no green. Was going to make our corned beef and cabbage as well. But changed our minds, We have a small corned beef in the fridge but no hurry to cook it, We can enjoy that anytime.
      Did manage a few more walkabouts the area and down by the creek enjoying this wonderful warm weather.
        Down by the river to the east end of the park to catch a nice sunriseThen a walkabout the park enjoying this wonderful warm sunny morning.
love all the spring blossoms
here is a nice tricked out truck for Bill and Patsy
a fancy black beauty
      A bit later I enjoyed a nice walkabout along the trails of Squaw Creek river. So peaceful and scenic, just the birds in the trees and water going over the small rapids.
         After a light lunch I did a drive about town, just because I could checking it out again, it's been a few years. And a few houses from way back that are made with the stone and petrified wood from the area. Most of these still occupied.
       Then f=down around the town square past the Hollywood sign.
Sheriff's office 
     Into the square this pavilion had this dinosaur foot print  that was laid into this structure way back when. You can read about it below on this sign. Glen Rose is Famous for these dinosaur prints apparantly the best in the world.
this is the pavillion
stone and petrified wood
love this water fountain in the shape if the Texas Star
    I took a lot more pics , will post them tomorrow, Got back home and we enjoyed reading outside for most of the afternoon was 85 F under cloudy skies but by 3:30 temperature dropped to 70 F and a few sprinkles.
      In these areas at this time of year with some very hot weather, there can be storm warnings, after all we are in "Tornado Alley" and have been through here many times over the years. Just never know what the weather will bring.
      The manager Renea drove through telling us the washrooms are secure and we can park our vehicles(cars) under the band shelter to protect from hail damage if we choose. Well it filled up quickly and many people packed up and left the park.
vehicles under the shelter in case of hail
       We just watch the weather closely incase we need to find shelter. We did have some wind and rain but nothing major, in the meantime I whipped up supper, Was gonna use our Weber Q , but not in the wind and rain. No problem an easy meal so a fry pan works, a couple of our garlic turkey sausage from home and bacon wrapped fresh asparagus to go wit our salad.
quick, easy and so tasty
so tasty and the asparagus excellent
     After supper no major storms so we walked over to the lodge to hear Lamar sing  (of Renea and Lamar) for and hour or so. He is very good and we enjoyed his show. So nice to see him again.
Lamar as we know him
      What a fun time we had chatted with a nice couple from Michigan  and Lamar as well, home shortly after 7 pm finish up this posting and soon call it a night after a great day. A bit more rain but nothing to worry about now. We know where to go for shelter and they have sirens if there is an issue. We are used to this after all the years so be prepared is all we can do.
      That was our fun day here in Glen Rose Texas hope y'all had a great day as well.
Thanks for stopping on by.

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  1. That is the one thing that worries me more than anything else is tornado's. However as you say not much one can do about them except be prepared. So we'll be packing our bag for such an emergency.

    Nice pictures, and many more than your usual handful. Hard to pick sometimes isn't it?

    Stay safe!!!

    1. I don't much worry about the Tornadoes, most campgrounds have shelters and a warning system. We just make sure we have our ID, passports credit cards electronic devices and power cords.
      Then go meet people in the shelter and ride out the storm. With local tv stations you track the storms heading your way.
      So many pictures and I liked then all, hmm, more tomorrow.

  2. You have some of the best walkabouts of anybody I know!!! What a gorgeous sunrise!!! Glad you got through the storm...they can get nasty!!

    1. Thanks I enjoy starting the day off with a quiet walkabout in new areas checking out the scenery, we watch the weather wherever we are, was not too bad so all is good.

  3. I was curious how you'd do the traditional corned beef cabbage ... lol! Interesting pics of the fossils/woods y=used in the construction.

    1. I could not decide how to cook it, so another day it will happen, too windy and rainy for the Weber Q. I have done it many different ways, boiled, pressure cooker, slow cooker.
      The petrified wood in the construction is quite unique to this area, love it!

  4. Mmmm.....bacon wrapped asparagus...boy, that sure looks yummy!

  5. I love the first house with the porch. And what a great idea for wrapping the asparagus, was going to grill tonight but the wind was awful once again.

    1. There is quite a few home like that in and around Glen Rose, just love them. The asparagus was wonderful like that I had planned for the Weber Q but was raining quite hard and windy. This works too.

  6. I love the look of the petrified wood and stone homes and buildings.
    We haven't had the heat you have had and the forecast doesn't appear to be bringing much this way. Just mild. Stay safe, you guys know how to do that as best you can.

    1. LOL I get to the bottom and forget what I wanted to say. Nice Platinum King Ranch but why did they have to ruin it by jacking it up like that? Still like the looks of our Black Beauty better! :)

    2. The buildings and structures in the area are very special, We be safe you guys as well.
      That King Ranch sure would have cost a fortune to be tricked out like that, different but not very practical.

  7. No tornados for me thank you. I would have packed up and left. Actually, I probably would never have been there in the first place!! LOL

    1. The problem with leaving is where do you go, At least we are here and have a shelter to head to if need be, The warning systems here are excellent.

  8. Mmmmm bacon wrapped asparagus on the grill...doesn't get better than that!


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