
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Wed. Apr.6th 2011, Last day at Wilderness RV resort

Join us as we travel North America in our Holiday Rambler Vacationer,
 since August 2006

       Well yesterday we did not do much other than enjoy the weather, but we did not get enough of it so did more of that today. Overnight it was cold, I had to actually use our ice scraper on the car windows this morning, have not needed this for a very long time. Walkabouts the resort chatting with a few neighbors and a nice country drive to the Piggly Wiggly in Loxley for a few groceries, excellent prices and an in store butcher, gotta love small towns such friendly people.

       Back home we puttered around enjoying the sunshine and this is the day for Suzie to vacuum, dust and wash the floors, I shake the mats, (small house  small job!). Now we can relax in the shade and enjoy our books a bit more. There's less than two weeks left that we can enjoy this luxury. Once we are in Canada it will be too cold to sit outside and read for quite a while plus we always seem to be pretty busy with relatives and friends.

       Just so nice and comfortable with temperatures about 85f (30c) by 10:30am, a light breeze and the shade of our awning with the green bushes and trees around us (no bugs). Too soon its time for supper so tonight we shall enjoy a bbq'd salmon fillet, with a rice pilaf and tossed salad. Chat for a while then read a bit more, we are "on the road" in the morning.

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