
Our Awesome Travels

Our Awesome Travels
Taken In Quartzsite Arizona Dec 7th 2015

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Nuttin' much!

Where are we today ? 
        Wonderful sunrise this morning but never did get real warm out, low 60's F (16c), but not to bad in the sun and out of the wind. managed a few walkabouts and putter around a bit here an there. Always something to do.
         I computed for a bit and finally figured out how to put only certain music files on our I-phone. Not that hard once I finally figured out how. Did not want all of my I-tunes on the phone, just a few selected ones for Suzie, that is her toy.
        Then got to do what we both enjoy, read outside for a while in the warm sunshine, to keep us comfortable and no wind. And just because it was a nice day even cut my hair again. Kinda needed it a bit and Suzie does the finishing touches for me. Now all brand new, have a wedding to go to this saturday and nice to be cleaned up a bit.
sunny quiet day
comfy out of the wind
        Then gotta fire up our Weber Q, did some "Shake 'N Bake" chicken thighs and drumsticks  sliced taters and grilled 1/2 sweet red pepper. Mesquite wood chips at the back in foil.
        Added some cauliflower and tomato slices to the mix and have very tasty chicken dinner.
hit the spot 
        Then was still not too bad a night, so we enjoyed a campfire, burning up most of the wood and scrap paper we had left over. Don't want to take it with us when we hit the road Thursday morning. And of course with a campfire going people drop by, tonight was Rick and Rika stopped in join us and chat for a while.
nice way to end the day
        By 8:30 was getting a bit cool so headed inside to call it a night.
        Thanks for stopping by for a visit, glad to have ya!
 Posted by George, a.k.a. "The Weber "Q" Man of Blogland" according to Rick Doyle.
Check out the map below to see where we have been this summer
View Summer 2013 in a larger map


  1. Your RV is beautiful.

    1. Thanks Steve we love her for being such an old girl.

  2. George, I don't have a Weber Q (yet!). When you put mesquite or other flavorful wood chips in foil on the grill, do you leave an opening? How does that flavor the food if the chips are in foil? Just seems they should be water soaked and put on the grill ? But hey, you are the Weber Q Man of Blogland, so I certainly bow to your explanation and experience!
    Jool in North Texas (93 degrees - and not even summer yet. I'll trade with you!)

    1. Jool:
      I soak the wood chips for at least 30 minutes, wrap in foil and poke lotsa holes in the top of the foil.
      Do get the excellent smokey smell while cooking, but not really sure how much it flavours the food.
      Smells great thou.
      We have had a few hot days , we will be getting that 95 degree weather here soon enough.

  3. Dinner looks great - again!

    How many times do you use the wood chips, or is just 1 time and done?

  4. Looks like a nice way to spend the day. Dinner on the grill looks good!

  5. Now that is an inviting fire. Keep enjoying your awesome life.

  6. Hmmm .. I thought I responded to this but guess I didn't. We've been experimenting with the different woods. We recently just tried apple with some pork. We'll certainly be using that again too.

    1. You did on Wednesday Posting, this is Tuesday posting.
      We like the apple too like you said especially with pork.


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