Join us as we travel North America in our Holiday Rambler Vacationer, since August. 2006
Wow, sunday is a day of rest. Well looks like thats what we did at least for the cameras anyway, I didn't even take one picture!!!!!! I repaired a light fixture, flushed our fresh water tank and drained the sewage, Suzie vacuumed and dusted and generally tidied up. I went to the store for a few items then we chatted with a few neighbours for a while and read in the shade. A very nice day sunshine, no wind and about 85f (30c). We are on the road monday morning for Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico, another place for us to explore, We will spend 3 nights there then on to an area near Dallas Texas. Because we are leaving we will have one more feast of the delicious Broaster Chicken from Junction Express next door, and probably have to wait until next fall to have it again. Then a bit of TV before bedtime. Notice the controls for this New Map on the left side, you can zoom into different areas of the map and see where we are or have been. |
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Which is better? Broaster Chicken or the mexican lady's?